DB Schenker Logistics at Seafood Expo Global in Brussels
New solutions for the seafood industry from all over the world
(Frankfurt/Essen/Brussels, March 31, 2014) At Seafood Expo Global/Seafood Processing Global in Brussels (6-8 May, 2014), DB Schenker will present special solutions for the global seafood industry. Experts from DB Schenker national companies in the United Kingdom, Iceland, Canada and Norway will be available at the DB Schenker booth 5857 in hall 4 to answer questions from industry professionals. All around the world, DB Schenker teams handle seafood in end-to-end supply chains and offer customers innovative and cost-efficient transport and logistics solutions from one source. DB Schenker controls extensive operation managing logistics for seafood regardless of where in the world the origin and destination are located, and of what type of transport mode desired. Solutions for seafood are based on four different transport modes: · thermo transports, e. g. from Norway to all European destinations by road and rail, transporting seafood from beyond the Polar Circle to Europe and consumer products in return, · global ocean freight, with coverage for frozen seafood, · global air freight, e. g. from Norway, Scotland, Faroe Islands and Iceland for fresh seafood. DB Schenker also connects the different modes of transport efficiently, e. g. by the recently introduced new combined ocean and air service from Iceland for fresh seafood products through the London Heathrow gateway, offering global distribution. Last year, well over 100,000 metric tons of fish were exported from Norway to Japan. Fresh fish from the North Atlantic, and particularly salmon, is much in demand in all parts of the world. In 2013, for example, more than 150,000 metric tons of fish were transported to France. In total, more than 500 producers in Norway exported fish valued at around 7.3 billion euros – around 2.3 million metric tons. DB Schenker alone was responsible for exporting nearly 400,000 metric tons. Seafood Expo Global/Seafood Processing Global is the largest seafood trade event in the world. It attracts more than 25,000 buyers and suppliers of fresh, frozen, packaged and value-added seafood products, equipment and services. Attendees travel from 145 countries to do business at the exhibition. |